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Pynguin 0.27.0 Released

We are happy to announce the release of Pynguin version 0.27.0.

Changelog for 0.27.0

  • Write Pynguin version number to Cobertura XML report
  • Fix the computation of coverage values Pynguin 0.26.0 added the possibility to optimise for, e.g., branch coverage while yielding the line coverage of the resulting test suite in the end. This had some unintentional implications, such as the value of the Coverage output variable having weird values. We fix this by providing additional output variables FinalBranchCoverage and FinalLineCoverage that contain the final coverage values after all generation and postprocessing. See the module for details
  • Rewrite the internal type handling in Pynguin. This is a huge internal change that improves the internal type system and adds the possibility to trace types during test execution. Some highlights:
    • we got rid of our internal abstraction of type | None to mark whether type information exists
    • we allow to retrieve additional or new type information from the test execution
    • enhance our internal type representation to make it more flexible
    • add the missing primitive type complex
    • a more suitable subtyping check for Union
posted 2022–09–23 10:00