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Bugs found by Pynguin

As a test-generation tool it is one of the goals of Pynguin to also expose bugs in existing projects. The following collection is of course not complete, feel free to point Stephan to all the bugs that you’ve found, reported, and (hopefully) fixed using the Pynguin test-generation framework.

posted 2024–06–21 12:11

Pynguin 0.39.0 Released

We are happy to announce the release of Pynguin version 0.39.0.

Changelog for 0.39.0

  • Fix a bug in the handling of infinite loops in global scope (thanks to @BergLucas in #65)
posted 2024–06–21 11:30

Pynguin 0.38.0 Released

We are happy to announce the release of Pynguin version 0.38.0.

Changelog for 0.38.0

  • Remove the dependency to our custom MutPy fork by integrating the relevant code into Pynguin directly (thanks to @BergLucas in #64)
posted 2024–06–21 11:20

Pynguin 0.37.0 Released

We are happy to announce the release of Pynguin version 0.37.0.

Changelog for 0.37.0

  • Add possibility to control number of mutations in MOSA.
  • Compute the area under curve if Pynguin traces the overage over time; area under curve can be interpreted as the integral over the coverage function, which is computed via trapezoidal approximation.
  • Fix the assertion generation for floats (thanks to @BergLucas in #70)
  • Fix assertion and invalid function call (thanks to @BergLucas in #72)
posted 2024–06–14 20:00

Pynguin 0.35.0 Released

We are happy to announce the release of Pynguin version 0.35.0.

Changelog for 0.35.0

  • Fix TypeError bug in instrumentation of bytecode
  • Add a dump method for type-information statistics
  • Fix handling of aliased modules
  • Fix method-signature handling for C extensions
posted 2024–02–22 10:00

Pynguin 0.36.0 Released

We are happy to announce the release of Pynguin version 0.36.0.

Changelog for 0.36.0

  • Remove unused code
  • Fix ruff warnings
  • Add sequence variable for type-evolution tracking
  • Add CLI options to ignore methods and modules from analysis
posted 2024–02–22 10:00

Pynguin 0.34.0 Released

We are happy to announce the release of Pynguin version 0.34.0.

Changelog for 0.34.0

  • Activate a larger selection of checkers for ruff
  • Implement various stopping conditions
posted 2023–08–18 10:00

Pynguin 0.33.0 Released

We are happy to announce the release of Pynguin version 0.33.0.

Changelog for 0.33.0

  • Fix an issue with type-information retrieval
posted 2023–06–06 10:00

Pynguin 0.32.0 Released

We are happy to announce the release of Pynguin version 0.32.0.

Changelog for 0.32.0

  • Breaking: Restructure the code Most of the code related to the generation algorithms has been moved. The code now resides in the ga package, where it fits much better. All accompanying modules have also been moved to different places. This might cause breakage if you have developed extensions for Pynguin that rely on the structure of the modules.
  • Update the bytecode [1] library to its latest version. Necessary to include a fix for a regression in that library, which was pointed out to us in GitHub issue #42 (unfortunately not fixed by the library upgrade).
  • Adjust the header of generated test files; we now refer to Pynguin’s website [2].
  • Extend the usage of the ruff [3] tool for code analysis.
posted 2023–05–16 10:00

Pynguin 0.31.0 Released

We are happy to announce the release of Pynguin version 0.31.0.

Changelog for 0.31.0

  • Update literature references in documentation
  • Add issue templates for GitHub
posted 2023–02–01 10:00
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