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Pynguin 0.18.0 and 0.19.0 Released

We are happy to announce the release of Pynguin version 0.18.0 and 0.19.0.

Changelog for 0.19.0

Breaking Change

  • One can now use multiple stopping conditions at a time.

    This breaks the CLI in two ways: The parameter --stopping-condition has been removed. The parameter --budget was renamed to --maximum-search-time.

    Users have to change their run configurations accordingly!

    To specify stopping conditions, add one or many from --maximum-search-time, --maximum-test-executions, --maximum-statement-executions, and --maximum-iterations to your command line.

Further Changes

  • Clarify log output for search phases
  • Pynguin now uses the ast.unparse function from Python’s AST library instead of the third-party astor library to generate the source code of the test cases.

Changelog for 0.18.0

Breaking Change

  • We drop the support for Python 3.8 and Python 3.9 with this version!

    You need Python 3.10 to run Pynguin! We recommend using our Docker container, which is already based on Python 3.10, to run Pynguin.

Further Changes

  • Add line coverage visualisation to the coverage report.
  • Add a citation reference to our freshly accepted ICSE‘22 tool demo paper “Pynguin: Automated Unit Test Generation for Python”.
  • Unify the modules for the analysis of the module under test.
posted 2022–03–16 11:02